Ryan Balfanz


My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

SendGrid for Django
Python 97 26
PyPDS is a Python interface to Planetary Data System (PDS) data products.
Python 32 14
Send SMS messages in Django just like you send email messages
Python 27 7
How to run dokku on Vagrant
Python 25 16
A launch page for a Django project to collect e-mail addresses and more.
Python 21 3
Simple admin actions to download/export selected items in CSV, JSON, XML, etc.
Python 18 7
Django + d3
JavaScript 15 6
Flask chassis for Angular 2 app, running on Heroku
TypeScript 8 4
A Raspberry Pi distribution that turns your Pi in to an RTSP server (e.g. security camera)
Shell 6 1

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.